Phone : 330-343-6060
Abuse Hotline : EXT1
Phone : 330-343-6060
Abuse Hotline : EXT1
Address: 1432 Tall Timber Rd NE
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri-Sun (1pm-4pm)
Tue (1pm-7pm), Thu (Closed)
Dog Adoption Application Form
Apply to adopt a dog from the Tuscarawas County Humane Society.

About Dog Adoption
Thank you for your interest in our rescue program and for considering adopting one of our dogs. We created the following questionnaire to assist in finding the appropriate dog for you. We ask for your understanding in that we are by no means questioning your integrity. It is our sole intent to ensure your satisfaction and our animal’s welfare.
Please Note: to visit a dog outside of its kennel, an approved application must be on file. If not, visitors are always welcome to view TCHS’s dogs through their kennels.
Dog Adoption Application Form
This questionnaire is the first step in our adoption process. Please review the entire Adoption Process so you will be aware of the various steps involved in adopting a rescue animal. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for us to process your application. We appreciate your time and will contact you shortly.
Please fill out the form below to complete your dog adoption application:
Help make a difference in the lives of Tuscarawas County animals.
Mon, Wed, Fri-Sun (1pm-4pm)
Tue (1pm-7pm)
Thu (Closed)

We are a nonprofit organization who rescues the abused, abandoned & neglected animals of Tuscarawas County, Ohio.